
Welcome to Our School

Headteacher’s Welcome

Winnington Park Primary & Nursery School is a very special place and I am proud to call myself a member of this happy and welcoming school community. It is a privilege to work with so many fantastic families and children and with such a talented and hardworking staff and governing body.

I believe that every child should be entitled to an education that offers academic excellence; a rich range of real-world experiences; opportunities for social, emotional and physical development; the discovery of talents and the nurture and cultivation of interests. Children should know they are safe, feel secure, valued and trusted. School should be fun and our children should be happy and enjoy coming to school.

I very much look forward to working with you in partnership to achieve the best possible outcomes we can for all our pupils. Please do not hesitate to contact the school should you have any questions or to arrange a visit.

Mr Rob Cole



Our Vision

Winnington Park Primary and Nursery School is a happy, caring and secure community whose members: children, families, staff and governors, work collaboratively within an exciting and inclusive environment, with high expectations and standards for all.

Our Values

Aspire, Safe, Trust, Respect, Kind, Proud

Our Rules

At Winnington Park we are: safe, kind, respectful and we always do our best!


Tel: 01606 74371 to speak to Mrs Wood (Bursar), Mrs Creamer or Mrs Moss in the office.

If you have any queries regarding SEND please contact our SENCO, Miss Hope via the school office.

Mrs Allen is the Deputy Headteacher and Behaviour Lead.

Mrs Jurgis is the Assistant Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead.




*Paper copies of any documents that appear on this website can be requested by contacting the school office.



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Feel free to contact us Winnington Park Primary School and Nursery

Winnington Park Primary School and Nursery Firdale Road,
01606 74371
Mr Rob Cole | Headteacher head@winningtonpark.cheshire.sch.uk
Mrs Nicola Creamer | Admin admin@winningtonpark.cheshire.sch.uk
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